Preparing your wardrobe for the season ahead

If you are like what I used to be and get very overwhelmed with what you are wearing day to day and the change of a season, then this post is going to be for you.  I love fashion and dressing well, but I feel very uninspired when I see all my clothes hanging in my wardrobe.  I also have too many and forget about what I have as it's easier to grab what I see.  I see so many girls looking so stylish and seasonal on Instagram and I want to look like that!  I don't always have the inspiration or time in the morning to style, so I end up wearing the same things over again.  I have started incorporating a key routine that I do 4 times a year to help combat this that I am going to share with you.  This is something that you have to do the season before the season you are styling for.  So I start my Summer prep in Spring and my Autumn prep in Summer.  The best things tend to come out early as well, so you tend to lose out if you aren't on the ball with it.  

My 5 step routine is:

1) Decide on the aesthetic that you want to dress for that season - This will really help when it comes to styling your clothes.  You may be looking at Pinterest for this, Instagram or any other platform.

2) Pull out all of your clothes that are related to the season you are styling for, so lets say we are styling for Spring and it's the end of Winter.  I will style all of these outfits to the best of my ability and I will take pictures of the outfits I love.  This way you can rediscover items you forgot you had.

Create an album on your phone of all of these outfits.  Every morning you just simply need to look at your album and it's super easy to get dressed in the morning with minimum effort involved.

4) Make a Pinterest board of the aesthetic that you have decided you want to dress for the upcoming season and recreate your favourite looks with the clothes that you already have, but make a list of pieces you are missing.  This might be a pair of shoes or a white t-shirt. If you have a capsule wardrobe, you will find this far easier as you will be able to mix and match so many of your pieces.

5) Go Shopping for these pieces that you have written down that will complete the style aesthetic you want to achieve for the upcoming season.  This will help keep you focused when shopping instead of being overwhelmed by all the options out there.  You might even find you save money as you aren't impulse buying.  If you like the look of the 3 below looks and you have most of the pieces, but you are missing the white shirt, then this would be a piece that you look for and then you have 3 added looks to your style for that season.

If you follow all of the above tips, then you can guarantee that the season you are preparing for, you will have the aesthetic and style that you were dreaming of and it will be easy because you prepared for it.  I find that I have a cohesive style this way as well, where as if I try and style every day, then my style is all over the place and it isn't matched.  This matters to me, but might not to everyone.  Some people like to mix and match, but personally I like to have a seasonal style and stick to it.  I hope you find these tips and useful as I do and have a very stylish year!


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