The new CEO of Chanel

A few weeks ago it was announced that there would be a new CEO at Chanel and her name would be Leena Nair.  She is Indian and has no fashion background, which I thought was an interesting decision, although I'm thrilled for the diversity choice the French brand has made.  She studied economics and telecommunication engineering in University and then got an MBA in human resources. She started working for Unilever in 1992 on the factory floor, making her way up after 30 years to be the 1st women and the youngest ever to be made Chief Human Resources Officer.  

I think it is a big step for Chanel and one that will improve the diversity and inclusion of the brand.  Unilever manages brands such as Dove beauty, Paula's choice, Ben & Jerries and Vaseline and Chanel tends to attract people from top management companies such as these.  Leena has helped hugely with the diversity and inclusion side of business for Unilever and now Chanel have decided it is what they need.  This isn't the 1st time they've entered the diversity triangle as they appointed Pharell Williams as their ambassador in 2019 and also a diversity officer in 2019.  The intentions to diversify are clear and are seen as Leena has been chosen for this and to bring in a fresh perspective from someone outside of the fashion industry.  I look forward to seeing what is to come Chanel! Although if you could stop increasing your prices I would be very grateful.....


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