Next in Fashion netflix show

I have just finished watching the Netflix show Next in fashion which I was completely obsessed with.  I find it so interesting to see how quick the brain works for designers.  I am not a designer, I don't have the art skills to even be able to draw them if I did. 

 In pairs for the first 5 episodes of the show they have to design a woman and a mans look together with each theme.  Each episode has a different theme like denim, lingerie or streetwear.  Every episode a pair leaves who hasn't performed as well.  Then they split from pairs to singles and the final 4 episodes they have to do the looks and challenges by themselves.  The final two in the final have 3 days top make a full 10 piece collection and this time they have 3 sewers to help.  I was genuinely obsessed and urge you all to watch.  There were a lot of amazing designs but the winner blew me away with her final collection which is funny as I wasn't blown away the whole way through by her.  

She is called Minju Kim and her clothes are now available to buy on Net a porter which was the prize.  She is a south Korean fashion designer known for her womenswear and use of bold prints and her aim is to make the person who wears the clothes feel joyful.

Her collections are so up my street, I love the colours and styles. I wish there were pictures of each of her designs but this is the best I could find!


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